Resolution No. 584 | Setting the Ad Valorem Tax for 2025 | 11/26/2024
Resolution No. 583 | Declaring Certain Property to be Surplus | 10/22/2024
Resolution No. 582 | Authorizing Signers on Financial Accounts | 10/08/2024
Resolution No. 581 | Authorizing investment of monies in the LGIP | 10/08/2024
Resolution No. 580 | Declaring Special Market Conditions | 09/24/2024 |
Resolution No. 579 | Declaring Certain Property to Be Surplus | 08/13/2024 |
Resolution No. 578 | Declaring Special Market Conditions | 08/13/2024 |
Resolution No. 577 | Public Records Fee Schedule | 06/25/2024 |
Resolution No. 575 | Amending Resolution 548 Exhibit E Relating to Fees | 04/09/2024 |
Resolution No. 574 | Amending Resolution 573 Exhibit B Water Fees and Exhibit C Sewer Fees | 04/09/2024 |
Resolution No. 573 | Amending Resolution 565 Exhibit B Water Fees and Exhibit C Sewer Fees | 02/13/2024 |
Resolution No. 572 | Providing for a Declaration of Emergency for North Bonneville Due to January 18-22, 2024 Ice and Snow Storm | 01/23/2024 |
Resolution No. 571 | Decalring Certain Property to be Surplus, Establishing a Means of Valuation and Method of Property Disposal | 12/12/2023 |
Resolution No. 570 | For 2024, Setting the Ad-Valorem Tax | 11/28/2023 |
Resolution No. 569 | Declaring Special Market Conditions Under RCW 39.04.280(1)(B) to Purchase a Used Case 485 Tractor | 10/10/2023 |
Resolution No. 568 | Declaring Special Market Conditions Under RCW 39.04.280(1)(B) to Purchase a Used Brush Fire Engine | 10/10/2023 |
Resolution No. 567 | Adopting the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan for 2024 - 2029 | 07/25/2023 |
Resolution No. 566 | Declaring Special Market Condition | 05/23/2023 |
Resolution No. 565 | Amending Resolution 556 Section 13.04.060 | 04/25/2023 |
Resolution No. 564 | Declaring Certain Property Surplus | 02/14/2023 |
Resolution No. 563 | Adopting A Financial Policy | 02/14/2023 |
Resolution No. 562 | Amending Resolution 556 Exhibit B Water Fees | 01/24/2023 |
Resolution No. 561 | Declaration of Emergency for North Bonneville Due to December 23-26, 2022 Snow and Ice Storm | 12/27/2022 |
Resolution No. 560 | Setting Ad Valorem Tax For 2023 | 11/22/2022 |
Resolution No. 559 | Revising Personnel Policy | 10/11/2022 |
Resolution No. 558 | Adopting Purchasing & Procurement Policy | 03/22/2022 |
Resolution No. 557 | Declaring Special Market Conditions to Purchase 4x4 PU Truck | 02/22/2022 |
Resolution No. 556 | Amending Resolution 543 Exhibits B & C Fees | 02/08/2022 |
Resolution No. 555 | Declaration of Emergency Snow Storm | 01/11/2022 |
Resolution No. 554 | Shoreline Master Program Update | 11/23/21 |
Resolution No. 553 | Setting Ad Valorem Tax 2022 | 11/23/21 |
Resolution No. 552 | Amending Personnel Policy Manual | 09/14/21 |
Resolution No. 551 | Declaring Certain Property Surplus | 09/14/21 |
Resolution No. 550 | Amending Resolution 546 Exhibit B Water Fees | 08/10/21 |
Resolution No. 549 | Authorizing License Agreement For Soccer Fields | 07/13/21 |
Resolution No. 548 | Amending Resolution 513 Exhibit E Misc. Fees | 07/13/21 |
Resolution No. 547 | Declaring Surplus Property - Ford Brush Hog | 07/13/21 |
Resolution No. 546 | Amending Resolution 543 Exhibit B Water Rates | 04/13/21 |
Resolution No. 545 | Declaration of Emergency - Snow Storm | 02/23/21 |
Resolution No. 544 | Declaring Certain Property Surplus | 02/09/21 |
Resolution No. 543 | Amending Resolutions 537 Exhibit C & 538 Exhibit B | 02/09/21 |
Resolution No. 542 | Setting Ad Valorem Tax 2021 | 11/24/20 |
Resolution No. 541 | Surplus of City Property | 09/22/20 |
Resolution No. 540 | Amending Resolution 501 Exhibit D Building Permit Fees | 07/28/20 |
Resolution No. 539 | Declaring Surplus Property Misc. Equipment | 01/28/20 |
Resolution No. 538 | Amending Resolutions 537 Exhibits B Water Fees | 01/28/20 |
Resolution No. 537 | Amending Resolutions 528 Exhibits B & C Fees | 01/14/20 |
Resolution No. 536 | Setting Ad Valorem Tax 2020 | 11/26/19 |
Resolution No. 535 | Reaffirming Acceptance of Fire Equipment Pursuant To Interagency Gifting | 11/12/19 |
Resolution No. 534 | Declaring Surplus Property 1990 Nissan PU Truck | 09/24/19 |
Resolution No. 533 | Declaring Special Market Condition 2005 Chevrolet 3500 4x4 Crew Cab – Flat Bed | 08/13/19 |
Resolution No. 532 | Declaring Special Market Condition To Purchase Used Trucks | 07/23/19 |
Resolution No. 531 | Declaring Surplus Property - Misc. Equipment | 07/23/19 |
Resolution No. 530 | Finding Reason For Termination of NBPDA & Setting Hearing Date | 07/23/19 |
Resolution No. 529 | Declaring Surplus Property - Misc. Equipment | 07/09/19 |
Resolution No. 528 | Amending Resolutions 507 & 523 Sewer Fees & Water Fees | 07/09/19 |
Resolution No. 527 | Ratifying Purchase of a Used Manlift Bucket Truck | 05/14/19 |
Resolution No. 526 | Declaring Special Market Condition Manlift Bucket Truck | 04/23/19 |
Resolution No. 525 | Declaring Surplus Property Miscellaneous Equipment | 04/23/19 |
Resolution No. 524 | Declaration of Emergency Snow Storm | 02/19/19 |
Resolution No. 523 | Amending Resolution 507 Exhibit C Sewer Fees | 02/19/19 |
Resolution No. 522 | Authorizing License Agreement for Ballfields | 02/19/19 |
Resolution No. 521 | Declaring Surplus Property and Miscellaneous Equipment | 01/22/19 |
Resolution No. 520 | Declaring Surplus Property and Miscellaneous Equipment | 01/08/19 |
Resolution No. 519 | Declaring Special Market Condition Fire Truck | 12/11/18 |
Resolution No. 518 | Declaring Surplus Property - Misc. Equipment | 11/27/18 |
Resolution No. 517 | Amending Adopted Lodging Tax Policies & Procedures | 9/11/18 |
Resolution No. 516 | Renaiming The Fire Department | 8/14/18 |
Resolution No. 515 | Amending Resolution 507 Exhibit B Water Fees | 7/24/18 |
Resolution No. 514 | Declaring Surplus Property - Misc. Equipment | 7/24/18 |
Resolution No. 513 | Amending Resolutions 501 & 506 Exhibits A & E Fees | 7/10/18 |
Resolution No. 512 | Approving Interlocal Agreement On PDA Relocation | 6/26/18 |
Resolution No. 511 | Authorizing Investment of City Money in LGIP | 5/22/18 |
Resolution No. 510 | Declaring Surplus Property – Misc. Equipment | 5/8/18 |
Resolution No. 509 | Declaring Special Market Conditions Lawn Mower | 3/27/18 |
Resolution No. 508 | Declaring Special Market Conditions Under RCW 39.04.280 | 3/13/18 |
Resolution No. 507 | Amending Resolution 504 Exhibits B & C | 2/17/18 |
Resolution No. 506 | Amending Res. 501 Exhibit E Miscellaneous Fees | 2/13/18 |
Resolution No. 505 | Authorizing Signers On Financial Accounts | 1/23/18 |
Resolution No. 504 | Amending Resolutions 501 Exhibits B Water Fees and C Sewer Fees | 10/24/17 |
Resolution No. 503 | Amending Res. 467 Fire Chief Monthly Compensation | 1/9/18 |
Resolution No. 501 | Amending Resolution 499 Fees | 9/26/17 |
Resolution No. 500 | Amending the Transportation Improvement Plan for 2018-2023 | 9/12/17 |
Resolution No. 499 | Amending Res. 492 Fees - repeals 429, 445, 448 | 4/11/17 |
Resolution No. 498 | Modify Street Standards For TIB Project | 4/11/17 |
Resolution No. 497 | Acknowledging the Timing of Council Meetings | FAILED |
Resolution No. 496 | Periodic Review & Findings Of The Resource Lands & Critical Areas Ordinance | 3/28/17 |
Resolution No. 495 | Declaration of Emergency due to January 17/18 Ice Storm | 1/24/17 |
Resolution No. 494 | Intent to Annex Unicorporated Skamania County Territory, Description of Area and Setting Public Hearing Date | 1/10/17 |
Resolution No. 493 | Authorizing Use of Lodging Tax Revenues to Fund Certain City Sponsored Projects | 1/10/17 |
Resolution No. 492 | Establishing a Land Use Application Fee Schedule and repealing Resolutions 421, 425, 440, 441, and 471 | 1/10/17 |
Resolution No. 490 | Setting the Ad-Valorem Tax for 2017 | 11/8/16 |
Resolution No. 489 | Declaring Special Market Conditions And An Emergency Under RCW 39.04.280(1)(b) | 5/19/16 |
Resolution No. 488 | Authorizing The Use Of Lodging Tax Revenues To Fund Certain City Sponsored Projects | 12/18/15 |
Resolution No. 487 | Declaring Special Market Conditions And An Emergency Under RCW 39.04.010 | 12/16/15 |
Resolution No. 486 | Providing For A Declaration of Emergency For City Due To November 17, 2015 Windstorm | 12/8/15 |
Resolution No. 485 | Setting Ad-Valorem Tax For 2016 | 11/8/15 |
Resolution No. 484 | Affirming Support Of The Federal Fair Housing Act | 3/10/15 |
Resolution No. 483 | Providing for Interfund Loan | 2/24/15 |
Resolution No. 482 | Establishing A Code Of Conduct | 11/25/14 |
Resolution No. 481 | Authorizing Investment Of North Bonneville Monies In The Local Government Investment Pool | 10/28/14 |
Resolution No. 480 | Adopting A Residential Anti-displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan | 10/14/14 |
Resolution No. 479 | Adopting Policy Protecting Individuals Engaged In Nonviolent Civil Rights Demonstration | 10/14/14 |
Resolution No. 478 | Extending Several Interfund Loans | 9/18/14 |
Resolution No. 477 | Clarifying Purpose & Intent Of The City’s Finance Committee | 9/9/14 |
Resolution No. 476 | Setting Ad-Valorem Tax For 2015 | 10/14/14 |
Resolution No. 475 | Adopting the 2014 Skamania County Solid & Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan | 8/26/14 |
Resolution No. 474 | Authorizing Mayor to submit a CDBG Application To WSDOC | 5/9/14 |
Resolution No. 473 | Adopting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy | 5/13/14 |
Resolution No. 472 | Acceptance of Real Property Gift | 3/25/14 |
Resolution No. 471 | Establishing Utility Rates, Charges & Fees Schedule | 4/8/14 |
Resolution No. 469 | Declaring Surplus Property - Misc. Equipment | 2/11/14 |
Resolution No. 468 | Waiver to allow less frequent bank deposits | 1/28/14 |
Resolution No. 467 | Increases Fire Chief compensation | 1/14/14 |
Resolution No. 466 | Authorizing issuing Grant Funds to Public Development Authority | 11/19/13 |
Resolution No. 465 | Adopting a Capital Facilities Plan | 11/26/13 |
Resolution No. 464 | Extending interfund loans and creating repayment schedules | 10/22/13 |
Resolution No. 463 | Amending Adopted Lodging Tax Policies | 9/24/13 |
Resolution No. 462 | Modifying The Health Care Plan | 10/8/13 |
Resolution No. 461 | Setting the Ad-valorem tax for 2014 | 10/22/13 |
Resolution No. 460 | Declaring a local economic emergency due to regional transportation system failure | 7/23/13 |
Resolution No. 459 | Reestablishing the Heritage Trails Plan as the Bigfoot Discovery Trails Plan | 6/11/13 |
Resolution No. 458 | Adopting financial management policies and procedures | 5/14/13 |
Resolution No. 457 | Adopting purchasing policies and procedures | 4/23/13 |
Resolution No. 456 | Supporting Regional Partnership Among The Cities And Columbia River Gorge Commission | 4/23/13 |
Resolution No. 455 | Declaring surplus property, its value and disposal method | 3/26/13 |
Resolution No. 454 | Adopting a new water use efficience program | 2/26/13 |
Resolution No. 453 | Submittiing Formal Comments For Scoping - Coal Trains | 1/8/13 |
Resolution No. 452 | Amending Personell Policy manual to provide for Volunteer Firefighter pensions | 12/11/12 |
Resolution No. 451 | Adopting a policy of non-discrimination in community athletics programs | 10/9/12 |
Resolution No. 450 | Setting the Ad-valorem Tax for 2013 | 11/13/12 |
Resolution No. 449 | Adoption of a new Water System Plan | 2/14/13 |
Resolution No. 448 | Creating fees for mobile and itinerant vendor licenses | 9/26/12 |
Resolution No. 447 | Adopting budget policies | 7/24/12 |
Resolution No. 446 | Adopting policies for accounting, financial reporting, and auditing | 7/24/12 |
Resolution No. 445 | Creating fees for medical cannabis collective garden safety license application and inspections | 7/24/12 |
Resolution No. 444 | Declaring surplus property, its value and disposal method | 6/26/12 |
Resolution No. 443 | Adopting a policy on volunteer services | 6/26/12 |
Resolution No. 441 | Adopting Building Permit and Inspection Fees | 3/27/12 |
Resolution No. 440 | Creating a fee for livestock permits | 2/28/12 |
Resolution No. 439 | Amending 2010 Interfund Loan | 1/24/12 |
Resolution No. 438 | Amending 2009 Interfund Loan | 1/24/12 |
Resolution No. 437 | Declaring surplus property, its value and disposal method | 1/10/12 |
Resolution No. 436 | Amending the Deferred Compensation Plan. | 12/13/11 |
Resolution No. 435 | Authorizing inter-fund loans and setting repayment schedules. | 11/22/11 |
Resolution No. 434 | Authorizing refinance of Pierce Fire Truck | 11/8/11 |
Resolution No. 433 | Providing for the disposal of Lost & Found property. | 11/8/11 |
Resolution No. 432 | Cable Television Franchise Agreement | 11/8/11 |
Resolution No. 431 | Setting the Ad-valorem tax for 2012. | 11/22/11 |
Resolution No. 430 | Lease Agreement for City Cable System, Headend buiding and tower. | 11/8/11 |
Resolution No. 429 | Creating fee for overnight parking permits in Central Business District. | 10/11/11 |
Resolution No. 428 | Authorizing the Mayor to apply for financial assistance from the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Program. | 8/23/11 |
Resolution No. 427 | Declaring certain property to be surplus. | 8/9/11 |
Resolution No. 426 | Authorizing the Mayor to apply for and accept state financial assistance and contract for Shoreline Master Plan development. | 7/12/11 |
Resolution No. 425 | Creates a fee for the reservation of the City Disc Golf Course. | 7/12/11 |
Resolution No. 420 | Declaring disposal of surplus equipment. | 4/26/11 |
Resolution No. 419 | Adopting lodging tax policies. | 4/26/11 |
Resolution No. 417 | Appointing William Nix Municipal Judge. | 1/25/11 |
Resolution No. 414 | Adopting new personnel policies. | 1/25/11 |
Resolution No. 412 | Adopting the Skamania County multi-jurisdictional natural hazards mitigation plan. | 12/14/10 |